A HIDDEN PAST… A desperate present… An inescapable future.
Two separate lives brought together by the interconnected threads of time and destiny are about to change the world forever.
Of that there is no doubt.
But sometimes a healing and salvation first requires a devastation and destruction in order to begin.
Riddled with shamanic references and intuitive visions, The Healer: A Novel takes you to a world that once was, a world that has become a mirror, and the struggle to heal the whole.
“This thing is like a big ol’ Hoover. It just sucks you right in! I cannot stress enough the fact of how well-written The Healer is. I read a lot of self-published authors—new as well as successful ones—and your plot and characters, as well as your writing in general is finely honed. This is greatly appreciated. I didn’t find myself “speed reading” through any of it.” —Jeff Z.
Also, if you purchase the paperback version at Amazon.com, you get the Amazon Kindle version absolutely FREE!
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“It’s been keeping me up until 2AM every night!”
—Natalie C.
Every new subscriber to the.1978.one newsletter through June 7, 2014, will be entered to win one of two autographed paperback copies of The Healer: A Novel! You can find the subscription form in the footer and sidebars of the1978one.com
I want to thank each and every one of you my all the love, support, and encouragement you have shown me over the years—and the exciting thing is we’re only getting started!
—Lloyd Matthew Thompson