I am not Christian.
I am one who will stand with the outcast and the judged
But I am not Christian.
I am one who has to defend the defenseless
But I am not Christian.
I am one who offers my hand to any color height size orientation caste
But I am not Christian.
I am one who speaks against inequality and discrimination
But I am not Christian.
I am one who will not speak slander or gossip
But I am not Christian.
I am one who gives generously with no sense of lack
But I am not Christian.
I am one who acts with kindness regardless if it’s returned
But I am not Christian.
I am one who extends patience and understanding in all things
But I am not Christian.
I am one who prays for all leaders and all followers
But I am not Christian.
I am one who refrains from punitive measures because I am not judge jury executioner
But I am not Christian.
I am one who refuses to condemn you because I am you
But I am not Christian.
I am one who must forgive because that is what God would do
But I am not Christian.
I am one who must extend grace to others because that is what God would do
But I am not Christian.
I am one who must love without condition because that is what God would do
But I am not Christian.
I am not Christian.
I am Christ.
My loved ones, let us devote ourselves to loving one another. Love comes straight from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and truly knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God IS love. No one has ever seen God with human eyes, but if we love one another, we are God in this place, and God’s love has accomplished its mission among us.
You, beloved, are the light in this world. It would be silly to light a lamp and then hide it under a bowl. When someone lights a lamp, they put it on a table or a desk, and the light illumines the entire house. You are like that illuminating light. Let your light shine everywhere you go, that you may illumine creation.
The Kingdom of God is seen in you, for when I was hungry, you fed me. And when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink. I was alone as a stranger, and you welcomed me into your homes and into your lives. I was naked, and you gave me clothes to wear; I was sick, and you tended to my needs; I was in prison, and you comforted me. And you ask, “When did we find you hungry and give you food? When did we find you thirsty and satisfy your thirst? When did we find you a stranger and welcome you in, or find you naked and clothe you? When did we find you sick and nurse you to health? When did we visit you when you were in prison?” Whenever you did even the least of these kindnesses to a brother or sister you saw hungry or cold, so you did to me.
i John 4:7-8,12 | Matt. 5:14-16, 25:35-40