THIS IS NO APRIL FOOL’S joke—Energyworker: A Call to Empowerment has arrived in paperback and all eBook formats! Working with energy is not something magical anyone has to learn. It is naturally ingrained in everyone already. There is nothing that can be done without energy. Each and every one of us works with energy in …
Tag: shamanism
THE HEALER: A NOVEL has arrived!
A HIDDEN PAST… A desperate present… An inescapable future. Two separate lives brought together by the interconnected threads of time and destiny are about to change the world forever. Of that there is no doubt. But sometimes a healing and salvation first requires a devastation and destruction in order to begin. Riddled with shamanic references and …
The Healer: A Novel – Exclusive Excerpt
WITH MY NEWEST WORK—a full-length novel entitled The Healer—writing itself out full-steam ahead, I would now like to unveil an exclusive first look for you all! Packed with even more of the metaphysical, shamanic, and quantum-level elements you’re loving so far in my Energy Anthology series, (Still more of those to come ahead, too!) The Healer …
Now in Paperback: Root, Sacral, and Solar
Hey you! How would you like something to hold in your hand? How about the first three books of the seven-part Energy Anthology epic? Just these three look beautiful standing in the shelf next to each other… I can imagine how all seven will be when the series completes in 2014! Debuted by Amazon at …
The Energy Anthology, Volume One!
SURPRISE! I’ve been hinting at a big surprise for a while now, and been trying my dangdest to keep my big Aries mouth shut about it… but now, HERE IT IS! The Energy Anthology, Volume One: Root, Sacral, Solar! The Metaphysical Epic Illustrating the Seven Major Energy Centers of the Body– the Chakras! Available in Paperback …
SOLAR Release!
SOLAR (Energy Anthology, Book 3) has been released— ahead of schedule! Grab your eBook copy today, and find out what happens in this new installment of the amazing seven-part chakra-based epic that is The Energy Anthology! Amazon Kindle (Kindle and free Kindle apps) Smashwords (all eReaders and computers) Stay tuned as it is placed directly in other stores …
My Drum Did Bang
It is undeniably apparent that our physical environment is directly connected to our inner environment, and the energy of both. I spent a good part of yesterday (with my amazing little JuJu helper, of course!) ridding our lives of large, space-taking, yucky crap, dragging it to the curb for Recyclers to score. LOL— I dragged …
My Drum Won’t Bang
Last night was New Moon. New Cycle. New Year. It’s been stormy here the last few days, and I intended to break out my drum and flute— something I have not done in quite while— and retreat to the patio to merge with and work with the forces of nature over my head. There is …
“The jungle people revere jaguar because it can transform heavy energies within the Luminous Energy Field. Legend says that when jaguar enters a ceremony, it devours the negative emotions of anger, fear, and grief. Jaguar is a spiritual cleanup crew, transforming thick, heavy energies into light. As the protector of all life, jaguar safeguards …