At the place where morning gathers,
you can Look sometimes forever…
till you See…
A single hawk bursts into flight…
and in the east the whole horizon is in flames…
There is this silence in the badlands…
and over Kansas the whole Universe is stilled…
by the whisper of a prayer…
I can feel the Earth tremble
beneath the rumbling of the buffalo hooves…
and the fury in the pheasant’s wing…
And I feel the thunder in the sky…
I see the sky about to rain…
And I hear the prairies calling out…
There is still a Faith that can make the mountains move…
and a Love that can make the heavens ring…
and I’ve seen Love make heaven ring…
And I know this Thirst will not last long…
that it will soon drown in the Song…
And I feel the thunder in the Sky…
I see the Sky about to Rain…
and with the Prairies I am calling out Your name…
She's coming… Daddy's ready now. <3
I love you dearest. We are all ready now. 🙂