I always forget about the stars.
I mean, I look at them every chance I get, have space and nebula wallpapers on all my computers and devices, and read about them on my Amazon Kindle… but I completely forget about what they do.
I frequently look at my Llewellyn Astrological Calendar, then walk on into my day, splash into the fray, forgetting what I saw, except maybe what moon phase we’re in or how many more days until Mercury goes retrograde again.
The last couple days have been… I’ll say doozies.
What the french toast is going on?!?
Then this evening I happened to glance at the calendar as I went to scoop Akasha’s litter.
Our Lady Satellite has been in Libra the last two days.
Libra is the exact opposite of my Aries on the Wheel, and has always seemed to be difficult for me, just as my days are usually kite-high when the phase is in Aries.
After all this time, my first thoughts are still focused on this plane first, going GGGRRR!!! instead of pausing and feeling out Hmmm, what could be going on here?
I by no means condone blaming everything on an outside source and taking zero responsibility for our own energy and attitudes, but sometimes, we are a bit undeniably tapped (or shoved!) along by external influences.
We stay up late,
debate on how we’ll find our way,
you say it’s all up in the stars…