My heart has been broken, And those pieces have been broken, And the pieces of those pieces have been broken. And as my heart has been divided, And had the divided divided, I realize With ever-sharpening clarity I am Only A mirror, A sentient reflection of the Whole which lies broken around me. I am …
Tag: change
The Rubber Always Meets the Road… Somehow
All my life, no matter what I’ve gone through, no matter how down I’ve sunk, somehow, some way, I always bounce back, like rubber, change, in just a couple days’ worth of time. In all things, change. The only constant is Change. Odd thing is, even when I want to be angry upset …
K, Ready? On Three…
It was this day, this time, three years ago, that Melissa and I were in the hospital, waiting forever in a tiny room to hear the results of unknown discussions about us by unknown peoples in unknown other rooms. Were we going to be rejected from this place with our desired plans further un-planned? Or …
My Drum Won’t Bang
Last night was New Moon. New Cycle. New Year. It’s been stormy here the last few days, and I intended to break out my drum and flute— something I have not done in quite while— and retreat to the patio to merge with and work with the forces of nature over my head. There is …
The Lines of My Earth
“The jungle people revere jaguar because it can transform heavy energies within the Luminous Energy Field. Legend says that when jaguar enters a ceremony, it devours the negative emotions of anger, fear, and grief. Jaguar is a spiritual cleanup crew, transforming thick, heavy energies into light. As the protector of all life, jaguar safeguards …
The Whole World
The whole world is falling apart… What are we to do? The dreamers and the writers and the artists and the mystics wear themselves to the bone describing and attempting to demonstrate things do not have to be this way, can be another way… But what good does it really do? Does anyone really hear? …
The Only Constant.
The Jefferson Memorial Change. The ONLY constant.