LAST NIGHT, I WENT into a Christian book and supply store to try to find a gift for a couple family members who are getting baptized tomorrow, and the Spirit within me began to grieve. Every item in there felt hollow, clichéd, fear-based, condescending, or arrogant, whether it was a trinket, a figurine, a wall …
Tag: authenticity
Lightworker Sale and Excerpt!
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! My newest book, Lightworker: A Call to Authenticity, will be only $0.99 for a limited time on Amazon, for Kindle eReaders, apps, and cloud readers! Still only $0.99? Click here to see! With four 5-Star reviews in its first month of publication, Lightworker is quickly gaining recognition as a gentle call to those …
The Energy Anthology, Volume One!
SURPRISE! I’ve been hinting at a big surprise for a while now, and been trying my dangdest to keep my big Aries mouth shut about it… but now, HERE IT IS! The Energy Anthology, Volume One: Root, Sacral, Solar! The Metaphysical Epic Illustrating the Seven Major Energy Centers of the Body– the Chakras! Available in Paperback …
My Drum Won’t Bang
Last night was New Moon. New Cycle. New Year. It’s been stormy here the last few days, and I intended to break out my drum and flute— something I have not done in quite while— and retreat to the patio to merge with and work with the forces of nature over my head. There is …
“The jungle people revere jaguar because it can transform heavy energies within the Luminous Energy Field. Legend says that when jaguar enters a ceremony, it devours the negative emotions of anger, fear, and grief. Jaguar is a spiritual cleanup crew, transforming thick, heavy energies into light. As the protector of all life, jaguar safeguards …
Yesterday marked my thirty-fifth year on this planet, and it seems the first to affect me in any sort of way, though not in the way you might think. All previous birthdays have had no effect on me… older, sure, but this is just one of my bodies— its age means nothing. It’s always been …
On my earlier allusions to books writing themselves… It’s becoming increasingly apparent that my next nonfiction book is going to be simultaneously written side by side with SOLAR and the rest of The Energy Anthology… And so, I might as well reveal it to you here first, O faithful authorblog followers… May I present to …