The Natural Healer’s Guide
by Lloyd Matthew Thompson
Paperback and eBook
YOU NEED NO FANCY MODALITIES, TITLES, OR certificates to be an energy healer in this place and time.
This place is hurting.
The winds of this planet are shifting and swirling, bringing Change with each passing moment. For so very many, this Change is extremely difficult to handle. Most people have a resistance to change, which causes tension that can easily spiral into energetic and physical dis-ease. From the global level down to the personal level, there is no one and no thing that is not affected by these changes taking place.
But there cannot not be these changes.
The changes must take place.
Without changing, there would be no… change! Growth and improvement would be eternally at a standstill, forever stagnant, forever wounded.
And what is healing, but changing?
As more and more of our friends and families enter this Change, healers help ease the adjustment as much as possible, and keep the energy flowing.
The intention of this guide is to simply share a possible springboard for you to find your own natural way of being a healer.
You need no fancy modalities, titles, or certificates to be an energy healer in this place and time.
You need only an open Heart, and an open mind.