Yesterday was December 19, 2010, and I was outdoors in bare feet and a t-shirt!
This was the first time I had really gotten to myself in quite a while, (as you can tell by even my lack of posts here) and the pressure of constant demands were well-pressed at the surface…
Tears immediately began boiling in my chest with even the first intentional step onto the patio… simply the conscious act of stepping out for myself was enough to clear a heap-load…
I was so inside the motions of stirring and feeling my energy, I did not even hear Melissa come out the door or sense her presence until she was next to me… she soaked in the elements of our backyard with me for a few moments, and I spoke of how much I was realizing how difficult winter is going to be for me this year— I have so connected to the sun and nature this year, being shut inside is… oppressive!
My wife slipped back indoors, I slipped off the cement onto the naked grass, and tears fully slipped down my cheeks… my heart thumped inside me, shaking dust and shedding rust… the trees danced around, and each blade of grass cheered… all seven chakras whirled, and the sun hugged each one…
I aimlessly circled the lawn, following my feet while laughing and crying— and then I realized: my feet don’t hurt!
My entire life, my feet have always been so sensitive I could barely walk on sidewalk even… much less grass… let alone dry winter grass! In fact, it not only did not hurt my feet, it did not even tickle, and actually FELT good! I emphasize felt because it was just that— I FELT it. I felt the grass… I felt the Earth… and I felt ME… in the Earth…
A lot of what has been weighing on me is this Earth… a beautiful place, yes… but so messed up as well… so very messed up… things are not how they were meant to be, that pierces to my Core…
Helen Keller once said, “The world is full of suffering… and it is also full of the overcoming of it.“
A lot of the time, I think we forget to look at the other side of the coin… we get so disappointed or discouraged or disgusted at the murky waters, we overlook the shimmery healing waters next to it…
And if we don’t still ourselves… or dance ourselves… or whatever-ourselves we each NEED individually to ground and center and balance… then we have no chance of clarity— OR chance of helping others.
You are beautiful on the grass.